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规则7.1(b)(2)和(3)不适用于法学院临床项目转介急诊室病人, 谁曾是配偶虐待的受害者, either to counsel with which none of the law students making the referrals is affiliated or to a list of several counsel where some of the law students are affiliated with one of the counsel on the list 和 where the victims do not have to select a particular counsel while in the emergency room.


  • 规则7.1(关于靠谱的滚球平台服务的通讯)


Inquirers are the Director 和 two members of an organization that provides pro bono legal assistance to battered women. 该组织, 是由法律系学生组成,由法学教授监督的吗, has developed a new Program that will provide legal information to battered women in the emergency room of a local hospital. 这些信息将包括关于法律救济和代理的可用性的建议. 除了, 如果病人提出要求, 该计划的一位顾问将向患者介绍法律援助的来源. 如果病人的经济条件使她没有资格获得无偿援助, 她将被介绍给收费靠谱的滚球平台. 该计划的任何顾问都不会隶属于这些收费靠谱的滚球平台. 如果病人有资格获得无偿援助, 顾问会把她介绍给一些顾问可能隶属的无偿法律诊所. 除非病人特别要求,否则不予转诊. Counselors will only provide patients with the names of sources of legal assistance; patients will pursue these referrals on their own volition after they have left the emergency room.

询问者向委员会询问该方案的急诊室转诊是否违反规则7.《靠谱的滚球平台》第1(b)(2)和(3)条.C. 规则”或“规则”).1 我们的结论是他们不会.


D.C. 规则7.第1条规定

(b)靠谱的滚球平台不得通过亲自接触或通过中介寻求就业 . . . 由未就聘请靠谱的滚球平台征询靠谱的滚球平台意见的非靠谱的滚球平台作出,如果:

   . . .


(3) the potential client is apparently in a physical or mental condition which would make it unlikely that the potential client could exercise reasonable, 对选择靠谱的滚球平台的慎重判断. . . .

以确定程序的转介是否违反规则7.1(b)(2)及(3), we must divide the referrals into two categories—those to lawyers or legal clinics with which the Program’s counselors are not affiliated 和 those to legal clinics with which some of the counselors may be affiliated.

从第一个类别开始,规则7.1(b)(2)和(3)不适用于转介给无关联靠谱的滚球平台. 规则7.第1(b)条规定了靠谱的滚球平台试图招揽,即“寻求”的行为 . . . “雇佣”,直接或通过中介从潜在客户那里获得. 因此,本委员会以前适用了规则7.1(b)一项靠谱的滚球平台行计划向保险公司支付按客户收费的转介费用的安排2 还有一家靠谱的滚球平台事务所计划聘请一名营销代理招揽客户.3 在这两种情况下,靠谱的滚球平台事务所聘请中介机构都是为了获得客户. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, 从顾问那里得到推荐的靠谱的滚球平台,而顾问不是靠谱的滚球平台的代理人, 谁的推荐没有得到考虑,4 而且他没有听从靠谱的滚球平台的指示5 是否不符合规则7的含义.1(b). 相反,靠谱的滚球平台是推荐的被动受益者. 规则7.1(b), 因此, 将不适用转介给任何与该计划的辅导员没有关联的靠谱的滚球平台.6

规则7是否.1(b) applies to referrals made by counselors to lawyers or legal clinics with which some of the Program’s counselors may be affiliated. 在这次特别调查中所涉及的情况, 然而, 使我们得出结论,规则7的规定.1(b)不适用. 在这里, a counselor is providing a patient with a list of clinics 和 attorneys that may include an attorney or clinic with which some of the Program’s counselors are affiliated, but the counselor is not encouraging the patient to select an affiliated clinic or attorney over the other clinics 和 attorneys on the list. 因此,该计划不是“寻求就业”的附属诊所或靠谱的滚球平台,和规则1.7(b)不适用.

本次调查的主题行为是, 因此, 完全不同于在 格雷戈里, 574 A.2d 265 (D.C. 1990),其中D.C. 上诉法院认定某靠谱的滚球平台咄咄逼人, in-person solicitations of criminal defendants in a courthouse may have violated DR 2-103(A)(3) of the Code of Professional Responsibility of the District of Columbia, 措辞几乎相同的规则7的前身.1(b)(3).7 不像在 格雷戈里, 谁只为自己招揽客户, the counselors in this inquiry are merely providing patients with a list of legal clinics 和 attorneys; they are not in any way suggesting to these patients that the latter select one attorney or clinic on the list over another or that they select any of the clinics or attorneys on the list.

此外,与 格雷戈里, 他们发现法院招揽可能会剥削弱势群体的潜在客户, 违反了DR 2-103, the program at issue here would minimize the possibility that a patient would feel pressured in her choice of an attorney by providing the patient with a list of clinics 和 attorneys only if the patient requests one 和 by permitting the patients to pursue these referrals on their own volition after they have left the emergency room 和 have had more time for additional reflection.8

The activities performed by the counselors here are significantly more like the activities approved by the Committee in D.C. 酒吧Op. 64 (1979). 在这种观点下, 本委员会的结论是,法律学生在法庭计划, which operated an information booth in the L和lord-Tenant Branch of the Superior Court that informed tenants about the free legal assistance that the program offered, 没有违反职业责任守则的DR 2-103.


委员会的结论是,该方案的急诊室转诊不违反规则7.1(b)(2)及(3). When the Program refers patients to attorneys 和 clinics with which the Program’s counselors are not affiliated, 提交的文件仅是建议,规则7.1(b)(2)和(3)不适用. 当项目转介包括靠谱的滚球平台或诊所时,一些咨询师可能与之有关联, 规则7.1(b)(2)和(3)也不适用, since the patients are not being pressured to select the affiliated attorneys 和 clinics over the other attorneys 和 clinics in the referrals.

调查没有. 95-4-10


1. The inquirers also requested an opinion on whether the Program would involve the unauthorized practice of law within the meaning of Rule 5.5 . D.C. 规则和D.C. 上诉法院规则第49(b)(2)及(3)条. 法律执业的定义是一个法律问题,见规则5.5 cmt. 1, 和, 根据委员会规则C-5, 法律道德委员会不就法律问题提供意见. 因此,委员会不处理调查的这一方面.
2. 看到维.C. 酒吧Op. 253 (1994).
3. 看到维.C. 酒吧Op. 225 (1992).
4. 看,e.g., Pace v. 州,368. 2d 34,342(佛罗里达州. 1979) (solicitation rule does not apply to “the recommendation of an attorney by anyone to another where the one recommending has no relationship or privity with the attorney as the latter’s agent or as his employee or other similar relationship.”); Louisiana State 酒吧 Ass’n v. St. 罗曼,560. 2d 820, 823 (La. 1990) (solicitation rule does not apply because there was insufficient proof that a lawyer solicited “clients through a non-lawyer who is rewarded for the solicitation.”); In re Appert, 315 N.W.2d 204,214(明尼苏达州. 1981) (solicitation rule does not apply to lawyer’s attempt to contact prospective client who had been referred to him by a student researcher at a law school because “no exchange of value took place” between the student 和 靠谱的滚球平台).
5. Cf. 在re Berlant, 328 A.2d 471, 477-78 (Pa. (招标规则适用,因为“招标协议存在或, 至少, 上诉人在受理案件时就知道有这种招揽行为.”),证书. 拒绝,421 U.S. 964 (1975).
6. 看到维.C. 酒吧Op. 51 (1978) (“it is clearly permissible for [an insurance agent] to refer clients to the inquiring party as a result of his own independent deliberation.”).
7. DR 2-103 (A)规定:
  靠谱的滚球平台不得寻求当面接触, 或者通过中介, his or her employment (or employment of a partner or associate) by a non-lawyer who has not sought his or her advice regarding employment of a lawyer, if:
  . . .
  (3) The potential client is apparently in a physical or mental condition which would make it unlikely that he or she could exercise reasonable, 对选择靠谱的滚球平台的慎重判断.
8. 根据法庭, 靠谱的滚球平台, “与他所知道的被控犯有可监禁的刑事罪行的人搭讪, 没有忠告的人, 和 who had just been advised by a judge concerning the maximum possible penalties upon conviction 和 the important assistance an attorney could provide. 在这种情况下,人们的脆弱性本应得到重视, 确实如此, 答辩人显而易见.” 574 A.2d, 268页(重点为原文).
